By Brandon Wise

Front-End Development

I have experience with HTML, HTML5, CSS, CSS3, Javascript, jQuery. Currently focussing on HTML5 and CSS3. At times I find myself teaching others a little of what I am doing or trying to do. I will never say I am an expert since there is always room for growth. That and this technology is constantly evolving, changing which in turn makes older tricks obsolete. It will keep things interesting.

NOTE: So you are aware, the links have been disabled on these sites. They can be browsed, but their external links have been disabled.


Icon for Bhaal11 website

My class intro to web design, very basic, simple, mostly just us copying code character by character, however we were told to make it our own, anything goes. Being heavily into sports at the time I decided to try to go with a sports-medicine theme. Being informal yet keeping the content short and sweet.

The goal was to build a "functional" web-site from scratch. Pick a theme, build content, organize it, make it presentable. If I had to grade myself on a scale of 1 to 10 I'd give myself a 7.5 stars. Reason being is that I tried to do more than I knew how to do, however those challenges make want to learn and experiment.

My old and original portfolio site, but now it showcases my other skills. I was really proud of this and still am for various reasons. I experimented with it and really brought out my creative side. However, as I've learned since then, there's still room for improvement and growth.


Sites under construction.
Feel free to browse the official sites by clicking on the logos.

A modern-day machine-shop that makes high-quality knives, though they also make other items. Right now the site is very cluttered and busy to me. It doesn't really help anyone navigate it unless you already know what you're looking for.

If you're from the St. Louis Metropolitan area you know this team. An all women's football team, High-impact, Competitive, and fun times.
I want to re-vamp the site make it pop more, easier to navigate, give it more structure, and trying new tricks.

Revit-A-Game - This is a concept design for a gaming cloud on a multi-platform format. NOT A REAL SITE!

BloodShotRed - Website for a Southern Rock Band.