By Brandon Wise

Hidden Development

This page is for advanced web-development. The difference between front-end development and back-end development is that if you were to look up the source page in the browser, you would see all the HTML and scripts and external page links if any were embedded in the page. You won't see PHP, MySQL, or AJAX in the source page.
I'm still learning alot about this end of development since it is far more intricate than the basic stuff. Though I only have one example, over time I will add more examples.

LUB Tutorial Proposal

In a class everyone had to manually digitize a school form. I chose a tutorial proposal. That aside had to build the form from scratch working with a very basic line of code to start with. From there learned how to set-up the PHP server to use PHP then after the forms construction, tested all of the elements and values before setting up the connection to MySQL. I am very proud of this form and would like to make more, however I haven't had an opportunity or had any ideas where such a form is necessary.